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Injection Molding News2025-01-16T15:13:00+00:00

Plastics Technology Expo 2025 – Booth 827

Fast Heat by Spark Industries is exhibiting at the Plastics Technology Expo 2025, March 18-20, in Rosemont, IL, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N River Rd., Rosemont, IL 60018. FREE REGISTRATION HERE NOW Image showing 2023 shared island booth and cobranded hanging banner that will be featured again in 2025. Booth 827 is one-half of a 20ft x 20ft island booth shared with booth 926, exhibitor Zeiger Industries Inc. Spark Industries distributes Zeiger's 4-piece Mallard Screw Tip Assemblies and collaborates on the design and sales of a fully tapered heated machine nozzle. The conjoined booth will be topped with a cobranded, circular hanging banner with Fast Heat by Spark Industries on one side and Zeiger Industries on the other. This is our second

What Is A Hot Runner Temperature Controller?

Hot runner temperature controllers are essential for optimizing injection molding processes. They provide precise control over temperatures within the hot runner system. What Is A Hot Runner Temperature Controller? A hot runner temperature controller is a specialized device used in injection molding systems to manage the hot runner system's temperature accurately. This system consists of a network of heated channels or nozzles that guide molten plastic into the mold cavity. The temperature controller's primary role is maintaining consistent and uniform heat across these channels, ensuring the molten material's smooth flow and even distribution. Applications Electronics Medical Appliances Packaging Building Automotive Logistics Common types of hot runner controllers available on the market include HMI-based hot runner controllers, standard plug-in hot runner controllers, and dual-zone controllers (one card controlling

What Is A Hot Runner?

When hot runner technology was first introduced to the plastics industry more than five decades ago, it revolutionized injection molding processing capabilities by improving molded part quality, enhancing operational efficiencies, reducing scrap, and saving money. A hot runner system is a molten plastic conveying unit used within an injection mold. Another way of saying that a hot runner system consists of heated components (usually by electricity) used inside the plastic injection molds, which brings the molten plastic from the barrel of an injection molding machine into the cavities of the mold.  Hot runner melt channels can have different sizes; the size needed depends on factors such as resin type, injection speed, fill rate, and the molded part. A temperature controller(standalone controller or controls from the injection molding machine)

Hot Runner Productivity Series

Hot Runner Productivity Series Register for special pricing, tools, and training to help with hot runner processing, energy savings, and maintenance. High-Cavity Hot Runner Productivity Series Highlights This 5-post series follows a normal order of events on the molding floor from before you start molding to more advanced molding cell automation. kW Demand - We'll show you how and why you should reduce kW demand. Maintenance - This covers preventative maintenance of hot runner systems, cables, and controllers. Troubleshooting - How should you react when alarms or other things go out of normal range? Processing - What's happening behind the scenes in your hot runner system, and why does it matter for processing (better cavity-to-cavity

Hot Runner Injection Molding Process

Injection Molding Process and Hot Runner Systems Processing injection molds used to be considered a black art. Then came along scientific molding that decoupled fill (cavity is filled 98% with injection speed), pack (finish filling and apply pressures), and hold (allow the part to cool). Processing engineers control four plastic variables: Temperature/Heat, Flow, Pressure, and Time/Cooling. There are two details we want to point out that help shape our viewpoint on processing. Melt Flow Index First, most people think the term "Melt Flow Index" represents viscosity (resistance to flow). It is measured in grams per 10 min within a comparison test to other resins. It is a molecular weight, not viscosity, just a reference point. Plastic also does not follow Newton's law of viscosity. It's a

Hot Runner Troubleshooting

Hot Runner Troubleshooting First, Staying Out of Trouble MoldMaking Technology® and Plastics Technology magazines published articles about hot runner troubleshooting that included the importance of proper hot runner system startup. While this blog is about troubleshooting, it is fair to say that the best way to get out of trouble is to stay out of trouble. Proper start-up prevents the tool from leaking plastic. Further, it does this while minimizing hot runner system wear and downtime. And, as previously shown in our post about kW demand, it saves on peak demand kW costs. It also helps to balance shop loading of amperage. The Ins and Out of Hot Runner Temperature Control, MoldMaking Technology, 11/8/2021 by yours truly, Chad Root and Manny Diaz, Fast Heat by Spark

Hot Runner Maintenance Guide

Preparing for Production - Hot Runner Maintenance Guide This guide includes the blog post below and an adjoining slide deck. The blog post below is a reference guide with links to detailed explanations and visual examples we have compiled over the years (photos and videos). Use the adjoining slide deck for a speedy review of hot runner maintenance best practices. See the bottom of this page for the table of contents. Download the adjoining slide deck here: >231110-SPAR-Production Ready Maintenance Guide Training Firstly, this section focuses on maintenance training and includes our tips, outside resources for reference, 3rd party training opportunities, and a software recommendation to help manage tooling maintenance responsibilities. Click here for the entire training post: >Training w/

Hot Runner kW Demand

Hot Runner kW Demand Impacts Electrical Cost & Shop Loading An electricity bill has two main usage categories: kilowatt-hours (kWh) and kW demand. kWh is a calculation of wattage multiplied by the number of hours used, divided by 1000. We pay approximately $.10/kWh used in a given month. kW demand is the highest kW recorded during peak hours. This bills around $9.00 per kW. How high of a kW demand does the electric company have allocated to you? The higher you peak, the more it costs. Hot Runner Electrical Consumption Further, a given injection mold and hot runner system will require a certain amount of wattage to achieve and maintain the setpoint. That is just a factor of the tool's heat/loss design. Once the tool is

Common Hot Runner Cable Connection Problems

Common Hot Runner Cable Connection Problems Hot Runner Connector Anatomy Simple fixes can result in significant differences in your manufacturing process. You do not have to give in and just accept some common aggravating problems on the manufacturing floor. You may not think it’s worth changing some of the issues mentioned here. But what if these would make a difference to your bottom line? The problems that occur with hot runner cables can have a ripple effect on your whole manufacturing process and, of course, your finances. If the problem areas can be identified, often there are simple options to help. After all, streamlining manufacturing processes and lowering maintenance costs are definitely things we should strive for on a daily basis, right? Hot Runner Cable Problems: Pushed-Back/Bent

Heated Tapered Nozzle

Heat Transfer and Uniformity by Zeiger and Spark Industries Okay, one more time for those of you who may have missed it…for those way in the back…anyone who knows anything about injection molding knows the importance of having optimum control over heat profiles…it is top priority! Temperature affects every step of the injection-molding process and must be appropriately managed. Further, inadequate or excessive temperatures can leave flaws in the finished product and damage the injection machine. During the injection process, temperatures that are too low can lead to flow marks or wavy lines on the surface of the finished part. Identifying and controlling the temperatures at each point throughout plastic injection molding will ensure that the process runs smoothly. Knowing the flaws that can occur in the

Plastic Injection Molding Process Options Explained | Trade Show Dates

Yes, Fast Heat by Spark Industries is all about injection molding solutions! We also want to ensure you have easy access to whatever makes your business successful.

We believe that straightforward education and training are part of the obvious advantages you can bring to your staff and business practices.

The injection molding industry has some pretty remarkable options that you can consider when designing new product lines and molds. Some of these processes can help utilize certain resin types or even make your product more durable.

For example, look at these

  • 3-Plate vs 2-Plate
  • Cold-runner vs Hot-runner
  • Insert molding
  • Over-molding
  • Two-shot
  • Vertical

3-Plate Versus 2-Plate Molds

Plastic Injection Molding Process Options

As implied by the name, the 3-plate mold is more complex than a 2-plate mold. It has an additional mold plate between the top clamp plate and the cavity plate, called the runner plate, which allows the runner scrap and plastic molded parts to be released separately.

A 3-plate mold is cheaper to build and less likely to break down. Also, thermally, some sensitive materials are less likely to degrade.

However, the 2-plate application can save money and time for mass production. Further, the 2-plate mold drops the plastic part freely. But after molding, there’s a need to manually cut off the gate, which requires more time, and an operating technician, which means additional costs. However, choosing a gate shape and location with a 2-plate mold is easier.

FS Tooling helped us get a good grasp on the differences; take a look at how they expand on 2-plate vs 3-plate explanations for a fuller picture.

Delving a little further, when it comes to plastic injection molds, the most common division is between cold runner and hot runner molds. In general, hot runners are more expensive than cold runners but also offer better performance and durability.

According to the basic injection mold gating system, systems can be divided into three types:

  1. Two-plate mold
  2. Three-plate mold
  3. Hot runner mold is also called (runner-less mold)

Of course, Fast Heat by Spark Industries may be a little partial to the hot runner system! But every project has different requirements.

Cold Runner vs Hot Runner

Cold and Hot Runner Controller's

Mold Devices explains the difference between hot and cold runner injection molding:

Hot runner mold systems are valued for their ability to produce consistent quality within faster cycle times. Although more expensive than cold runner systems in terms of initial cost and ongoing maintenance, they don’t generate waste, thereby offering long-term savings potential. Downsides of hot runner mold systems: Color changes are more difficult, and they rule out the use of some heat-sensitive polymers.

Cold runner mold systems allow for easy color changes, work well with heat-sensitive polymers, and are less expensive and easier to maintain than hot runners. Disadvantages: They offer slower cycle times and create waste unless excess materials are recyclable. As a result, cold runner mold systems can run up higher costs if several iterations are required to arrive at the correct design.

Ok, so you have a good grasp on choosing hot or cold runner systems and understand the difference between two and 3-plate molds…here’s what some consider to be advanced molding techniques! If nothing else, they are really cool!

We gathered this information from, and the full article can be seen at: Insert and over-molding:

Insert Molding

The insert molding manufacturing process involves injecting molten plastic around pre-placed inserts (usually metal), forming a strong bond between the two materials and helping cut back on assembly operations and time. Common inserts include pins, blades, threaded nuts and knobs, sleeves, bushings, and the metal shanks of tools, such as screwdrivers.

Over Molding

First, a thermoplastic injection forms the rigid substrate. After the substrate forms, another shot (generally thinner and more pliable) is injected in, on, or around the substrate. As the materials cool, they bond together, creating a unified, strong, and durable part. Bonds can be chemical or mechanical, depending on the materials as well as the design of the part or product.

2-Shot Molding

What is two-shot molding? Two-shot, also referred to as dual-shot, double-shot, multi-shot, and over-molding, is a plastic molding process in which two different plastic resins are molded together in a single machining cycle, allowing engineers to create multi-material or multi-colored parts without adding extra assembly steps.

This is a personal favorite! Maybe it’s the movement or complexity? Either way, it’s pretty fancy processing! Take a look:

Vertical Molding

I recall seeing a vertical mold running for the first time…do you?  It’s memorable! The major difference between the two options is the vertical mold operates perpendicular to the floor surface, and moves up and down rather than side to side. And why would you ever need to choose a vertical mold instead of a horizontal one?

Your parts require insertion or over-molding to enhance the product function and/or visual appeal. Inserts used for insert molding will be held in place by gravity, which makes the operation easier to incorporate.

Your operation requires a smaller injection molding machine that takes up less floor space.

Review the full scope of vertical molding attributes at Sea-lect Plastics.

If you want to learn more about the ins and outs and the verticals and horizontals of the plastic world, we suggest you view our trade show list below and plan to attend one!

Contact Fast Heat by Spark Industries…we can help with your injection molding needs!

Automate Chicago 2024
May 6-9, 2024

The biggest automation show. The best solutions. 365k+ square feet! 800+exhibitors!

Plastic Minneapolis 2024
Oct. 16 – 17, 2024

Plastics processing resources for manufacturers in Aerospace/aviation, Appliances / Housewares, automotive, electronics, medical, packaging, consumer goods, and more.

NPE: The Plastics Show 2024
6-10 May 2024

The largest plastics trade show in the Americas, NPE, provides a platform for technology and ingenuity to advance product innovation. It brings together experts in various fields to transform the industry.

Plastics Extrusion World Expo 2024
18 – 20 Mar 2025

This international exhibition brings together professionals from across the plastics extrusion industry for two days of networking, knowledge sharing, and innovation in Cleveland.

Plastics Technology Expo
10 – 12 Jun 2025

PTXPO is your hands-on opportunity to see and feel the newest plastics machinery, immerse yourself in free educational sessions, experience equipment demonstrations, and participate in numerous networking opportunities.


Hot Runner Injection Molding Process
Hot Runner Maintenance Guide
Common Hot Runner Cable Connection Problems
Hot Runner kW Demand


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